Silver electrode electrolysis of silver nitrate solution electrode reaction formula

Thermal decomposition method, the decomposition of copper nitrate decomposition starting temperature of 170 ℃, 200 ℃ when copper nitrate decomposition violent, 250 ℃ copper nitrate decomposition complete; and silver nitrate decomposition starting temperature of 440 ℃, and copper nitrate decomposition temperature difference, by controlling a certain temperature range 220 ℃ ~ 250 ℃ constant temperature, to reach the complete decomposition of copper nitrate, while silver nitrate does not decompose.

After the end of decomposition with hot water leaching hydrolysis slag, the decomposition of antimony salt, bismuth salt hydrolysis production precipitate with CuO left in the filter slag. The leaching solution is added to the quantitative dilute sulfuric acid to sink lead, and the purification solution is returned to the electrolyzer after adjusting the acidity and silver nitrate concentration.

2Cu(NO3)2 = 2CuO + 4NO2↑ + O2↑.

Bi(NO3)3 + 2H2O = Bi(OH)2NO3↓ + 2HNO3.

Sb(NO3)3 + 2H2O = Sb(OH)2NO3↓ + 2HNO3.

Pb(NO3)2 + H2SO4 = PbSO4 + 2HNO3.

At present, this method is used by Yuguang Gold Lead, Jinli, Wan Yang and other enterprises. However, this technology is difficult to control, high energy consumption and harsh operating environment. The decomposition slag solidifies on the wall of the decomposition tank, which is difficult to clean and has the risk of explosion.

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