Processing methods for supported palladium catalysts

Common carriers for supported palladium catalysts include alumina, cordierite (2MgO·Al2O3·SiO2), silica gel, activated carbon and zeolite. When selecting a process to recover palladium, the distribution of palladium in the carrier and the characteristics of the carrier must be considered. For example, for catalysts with alumina as the carrier, palladium is concentrated on the surface of the catalyst, and there is no active component in the center. Selective dissolution or carrier dissolution is often used. So far, the main treatment methods are:

(1)Chlorine volatilization method, palladium is chlorinated with chlorine under heating conditions, and palladium is absorbed and extracted after palladium is volatilized as chloride;

(2) Carrier dissolution method, the carrier is dissolved with acid or alkali to obtain slag containing palladium, and the filter residue is roasted and dissolved to extract palladium;

(3) Selective dissolution method, palladium is dissolved in an inorganic solvent while the carrier is not dissolved, and palladium is extracted from the solution;

(4) Full dissolution method, control strong leaching conditions and oxidizing atmosphere, so that the palladium in the carrier and catalyst is dissolved into the solution at the same time, and then palladium is extracted from the solution.

(5) Fire smelting method, smelting the carrier at high temperature to form slag, palladium enters the collector and is concentrated at the bottom of the furnace for recovery. Or the material is mixed with non-ferrous metal concentrate and palladium is recovered from the anode mud obtained by electrolysis;

(6) Incineration method, incinerate the carrier, dissolve the ash with aqua regia and extract palladium.

(7)Supercritical water oxidation method (SCWO), using supercritical material as the medium, the carrier carbon and organic poisons are rapidly oxidized with pure oxygen under homogeneous conditions to become harmless waste gas emissions, and the granular palladium oxide is filtered and refined into metallic palladium.

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