Convenient processing of low-grade copper oxide ores

Convenient processing of low-grade copper oxide ores

Product Description

Convenient processing of low-grade copper oxide ores

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The company's main business: silver electrolysis unit, gold electrolysis unit, nitrogen oxide waste gas treatment system equipment, platinum, palladium and rhodium refining and purification production and other common equipment

Convenient processing of low-grade copper oxide ores             

             1.Copper oxide ores are mainly distributed in South America, North America and Africa, especially in Zambia.
             2.During the refining process, the ore is first crushed and mixed with an acid solution to leach out a copper sulfate

solution. Then, the copper sulfate solution is transferred to an electrolytic cell and copper is separated by electrowinning.

During the electrolysis process, current passes through the solution, causing copper ions to deposit at the cathode to form high-purity copper.


             3.The electrolysis process requires control of current density and temperature to ensure the best deposition effect.

Convenient processing of low-grade copper oxide ores   

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